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% Author: Izaak Neutelings (February 2019) \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{physics} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{patterns,decorations.pathmorphing} \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} \tikzset{>=latex} \colorlet{mydarkblue}{blue!50!black} \colorlet{myblue}{blue!30} \colorlet{mydarkred}{red!60!black} \colorlet{myred}{red!30} \colorlet{mydarkgreen}{green!60!black} \colorlet{mygreen}{green!30} \colorlet{mydarkorange}{yellow!40!red} \colorlet{myorange}{yellow!80!red} \colorlet{myyellow}{yellow!80} \colorlet{mygrey}{black!15} \colorlet{mydarkgrey}{black!50} \tikzstyle{piston}=[blue!40!black,top color=blue!40!black!30,bottom color=blue!40!black!30, middle color=blue!50!black!15,shading angle=0] \tikzstyle{walldark}=[blue!25!black,top color=blue!20!black!12,bottom color=blue!20!black!20,shading angle=-30] \tikzstyle{wall}=[blue!20!black,top color=blue!35!black!6,bottom color=blue!25!black!12,shading angle=30] % GAS MOLECULE with vector \tikzset{ gasparticle/.pic={ \tikzset{/gasparticle/.cd,#1} \draw[-{Latex[length=4,width=3]},green!60!black,thick] (0,0) -- (\vec); \node[circle,fill,inner sep=1.5,ball color=black!80!blue] at (0,0) {}; } /gasparticle/.search also={/tikz}, /gasparticle/.cd, vec/.store in=\vec, vec={90:0.5}, } \begin{document} % PISTON \begin{tikzpicture} \def\Ra{0.5} \def\Rb{1.0} \def\ra{0.1} \def\rb{0.2} \def\w{0.08} % wall thickness \def\x{2.9} % piston position \def\L{3.7} % container length \def\l{2.2} % piston arm length \def\v{0.68} % velocity % WALL \draw[wall] (0,\Rb) -- (0,-\Rb) --++ (\L,0) arc (-90:90:{\Ra} and {\Rb}) -- cycle; \draw[walldark] (0,0) ellipse ({\Ra} and \Rb); % SHELL \draw[walldark] (0,\Rb) rectangle++ (\L,\w); \draw[walldark] (0,-\Rb) rectangle++ (\L,-\w); \draw[walldark] (\L,\Rb+\w) arc (90:-90:{\Ra+\w} and {\Rb+\w}) --++ (0,\w) arc (-90:90:{\Ra} and {\Rb}) -- cycle; \draw[walldark] (0,\Rb) arc (90:270:{\Ra} and {\Rb}) --++ (0,-\w) arc (-90:-270:{\Ra+\w} and {\Rb+\w}) -- cycle; % PISTON \draw[walldark] (\x,\Rb) arc (90:270:{\Ra} and {\Rb}) --++ (-2*\w,0) arc (-90:-270:{\Ra} and {\Rb}) -- cycle; \draw[piston] (\x,0) ellipse ({\Ra} and \Rb); \draw[piston] (\x,\rb) arc (90:270:{\ra} and {\rb}) --++ (\l,0) --++ (0,2*\rb) -- cycle; \draw[walldark] (\x+\l,0) ellipse ({\ra} and \rb); % LABELS \draw[->,very thick,orange!90!black] (\x,0.5*\Rb) --++ (0.2*\L,0) node[right=-2,orange!90!black] {$P$}; \node[right,blue!60!black,above] at (\L/2-\Ra,\Rb+\w) {$V$, $P$, $T$}; \draw[<-,thick,blue!60!black] (\x,0.7*\Rb) to[in=-30] (\x,1.2*\Rb) node[below=3,above left] {$A$}; % GAS PARTICLE \pic at (-0.12*\x, 0.2*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ -40:0.7*\v}}}; \pic at (-0.07*\x,-0.5*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ 48:0.6*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.00*\x, 0.3*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ 105:0.6*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.05*\x,-0.5*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={-100:0.6*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.08*\x, 0.0*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ 70:0.5*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.07*\x, 0.7*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ -10:0.9*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.15*\x,-0.2*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ 30:0.7*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.20*\x,-0.8*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ -10:0.6*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.35*\x, 0.6*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={-110:0.7*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.35*\x,-0.6*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ 140:0.4*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.40*\x, 0.9*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ -40:0.7*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.43*\x,-0.2*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ 75:0.8*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.50*\x, 0.5*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={-170:0.5*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.52*\x,-0.7*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ 120:0.6*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.60*\x, 0.4*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ -80:0.5*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.63*\x,-0.6*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ 42:0.5*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.65*\x,-0.2*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ 150:0.6*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.68*\x,-0.8*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ 190:0.5*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.72*\x, 0.8*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ 160:0.5*\v}}}; \pic at ( 0.72*\x, 0.3*\Rb) {gasparticle={vec={ 80:0.6*\v}}}; \end{tikzpicture} % PISTON \begin{tikzpicture} \def\Ra{0.45} \def\Rb{1.10} \def\ra{0.20} \def\rb{0.25} \def\w{0.12} % wall thickness \def\l{2} % piston length \def\ang{140} % momentum angle \def\p{1.3} % momentum length % PISTON \draw[->,very thick,orange!90!black] (2*\w,{0.4*(\rb+\Rb)}) --++ (0.55*\l,0) node[right=-2,orange!90!black] {$P$}; \draw[piston] (2*\w,\rb) --++ (\l,0) arc (90:-90:{\ra} and {\rb}) --++ (-\l,0) -- cycle; \draw[walldark] (0,\Rb) arc (90:-90:{\Ra} and {\Rb}) --++ (2*\w,0) arc (-90:90:{\Ra} and {\Rb}) -- cycle; \draw[piston] (0,0) ellipse ({\Ra} and \Rb); % GAS PARTICLE \draw[->,very thick,red!80!black] (\ang:\p) node[left=1] {$\vb{p}_\text{i} = m\vb{v}_\text{i}$} coordinate (I) -- (0,0); \draw[->,very thick,red!80!black] (0,0) -- (-\ang:\p) node[left] {$\vb{p}_\text{f} = m\vb{v}_\text{f}$}; \node[circle,fill,inner sep=2,ball color=black!80!blue] at (I) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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