Magnetic field of a dipole magnet (pstricks)

For a simple method without pstricks, please see this page.

Sources: Inspiration, pstricks manual.


Edit and compile if you like:

% Author: Izaak Neutelings (March 2020)
% PSTricks => compile with XeLaTeX
%  N=6:          number of turns
%  R=2:          radius
%  L=4:          length
%  pointsB=500:  maximum number of points on each line of the entire coil
%  pointsS=1000: maximum number of points on lines around turns selected
%  nL=8:         number of lines of the entire coil
%  PasB=0.02:    differential steps for the lines of the entire coil
%  PasS=0.00275: differential steps for the lines around turns selected
%  numSpires={}: choice of individual coils to improve the rendering of its layout
%  nS=1:         number of field lines around the turns selected
%  drawSelf=false: do not represent the solenoid with the option (useful for 3D)
\usepackage[outline]{contour} % glow around text
\tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head
%\newcommand{\fieldlinecurve}[2]{{(pow(#1,2)*(3*cos(#2)+cos(3*#2))}, {(pow(#1,2))*(sin(#2)+sin(3*#2))}}
\tikzstyle{north}=[thick,top color=red!60,bottom color=red!90,shading angle=20]
\tikzstyle{south}=[thick,top color=blue!60,bottom color=blue!90,shading angle=20]


%  \psframe[linecolor=black, fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=north](-2,0)(2,6)
%  \psframe[linecolor=black, fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=south](-2,0)(2,-6)
%  \psmagneticfield[
%      N=128,R=2,L=11.95,
%      nL=7,pointsB=8000,
%      nS=1,numSpires=13,pointsS=8000,
%      linecolor=Bcol,drawSelf=false](-20,-16)(20,16)
%  %\rput(0,-5.2){\textcolor{white}{S}}
%  %\rput(0,5.2){\textcolor{white}{N}}

  \draw[north] (-\W,0) rectangle (\W, \H);
  \draw[south] (-\W,0) rectangle (\W,-\H);
  \begin{scope} %[shift={(3,3)}]
    \clip (-\xmax,-\ymax) rectangle (\xmax,\ymax); %[shift={(0,-10)}] 
    \psset{arrowinset=0} % does not work?
    \begin{pspicture*}(-\xmax,-\ymax)(\xmax,\ymax) %[shift=-10]
      %\psframe[linecolor=black, fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=Ncol](-1,0)(1,3)
      %\psframe[linecolor=black, fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=Scol](-1,0)(1,-3)
          N=120,R=\W,L=2, %-0.005,
  \node[scale=1.3] at (0, \H/2) {\contour{red!80}{N}};
  \node[scale=1.3] at (0,-\H/2) {\contour{blue!80}{S}};

%    scale=1,
%    interface/.style={postaction={draw, decorate, decoration={border,angle=45, amplitude=-3mm, segment length=2mm}}}
%  ]
%  \begin{scope}[
%    field line/.style={color=red!75!gray, smooth,
%    variable=\t, samples at={0,5,...,360}}
%    ]
%    \clip (-2,-2) rectangle (2,2);
%    \foreach \u in {0}{
%      \foreach \r in {0.1,0.3,...,1.8} {
%        \draw[field line, smooth] plot (\fieldlinecurve{\r}{\t});
%      }
%    }
%  \end{scope}

%    \begin{axis}[
%        title={$x \exp(-x^2-y^2)$ and its gradient},
%        domain=-2:2,
%        view={0}{90},
%        axis background/.style={fill=white},
%    ]
%    \addplot3[contour gnuplot={number=9,
%       labels=false},thick]
%       {exp(0-x^2-y^2)*x};
%    \end{axis}


Click to download: magnet_fieldlines_pstricks.texmagnet_fieldlines_pstricks.pdf
Open in Overleaf: magnet_fieldlines_pstricks.tex

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