Phasors of a circuit with alternating current and a resistor R, capacitor C and/or solenoid L, including an RLC circuit in series or in parallel. Also see the related circuit diagrams and plots, or use the “circuits” tag.
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% Author: Izaak Neutelings (February 2020) \documentclass[border=3pt,tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} % for \dfrac \usepackage{physics,siunitx} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{angles,quotes} % for pic (angle labels) \usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta} \usetikzlibrary{calc} %\usetikzlibrary{decorations.markings} \tikzset{>=latex} % for LaTeX arrow head \usepackage{xcolor} \colorlet{Ecol}{orange!90!black} \colorlet{Icol}{blue!50!black} \colorlet{Ccol}{orange!90!black} \colorlet{Rcol}{green!50!black} \colorlet{Lcol}{violet!90} \colorlet{myblue}{blue!70!black} \colorlet{myred}{red!70!black} \tikzstyle{Rline}=[Rcol,thick] \tikzstyle{gline}=[Rcol,thick] \tikzstyle{bline}=[myblue,thick] \tikzstyle{rline}=[myred,thick] \tikzstyle{width}=[{Latex[length=5,width=3]}-{Latex[length=5,width=3]},thick] \tikzstyle{vector}=[->,very thick,line cap=round] \tikzstyle{-sm}=[-{Latex[length=3,width=2]}] \tikzstyle{sm-}=[{Latex[length=3,width=2]}-] \def\tick#1#2{\draw[thick] (#1) ++ (#2:0.03*\ymax) --++ (#2-180:0.06*\ymax)} \newcommand\EMF{\mathcal{E}} \newcommand\VR{\vb{V}\!_R} \newcommand\VC{\vb{V}\!_C} \newcommand\VL{\vb{V}\!_L} \newcommand\IR{\vb{I}_R} \newcommand\IC{\vb{I}_C} \newcommand\IL{\vb{I}_L} \def\xmin{1.8} \def\xmax{2.0} \def\ymax{1.8} \def\ang{35} \newcommand\rightAngle[4]{ \pgfmathanglebetweenpoints{\pgfpointanchor{#2}{center}}{\pgfpointanchor{#3}{center}} \coordinate (tmpRA) at (\pgfmathresult+45:#4); \draw[white,line width=0.6] ($(#2)!(tmpRA)!(#1)$) -- (tmpRA) -- ($(#2)!(tmpRA)!(#3)$); \draw[blue!40!black] ($(#2)!(tmpRA)!(#1)$) -- (tmpRA) -- ($(#2)!(tmpRA)!(#3)$); } \begin{document} % PHASOR \begin{tikzpicture} \def\R{2.4} \def\ang{40} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (X) at (1.4*\xmax,0); \coordinate (Y) at (0,1.3*\ymax); \coordinate (R) at (\ang:\R); \coordinate (Rx) at ({\R*cos(\ang)},0); % AXIS \draw[->,thick] (-0.3*\xmax,0) -- (X) node[below] {$x$}; \draw[->,thick] (0,-0.3*\ymax) -- (Y) node[left] {$y$}; % PHASOR \draw[dashed] (Rx) -- (R); \draw[vector,Rcol] (O) -- (R) node[above right=-3] {$\VR$}; \draw[vector,Rcol!80!black] (O) node[above=2,below right=1,scale=0.9] {$\EMF_0 \cos(\omega t - \phi)$} -- (Rx); %\text{max} \draw pic[-sm,"$\omega t - \phi$"{scale=0.9,below=-4},draw=black,angle radius=15,angle eccentricity=2.1] {angle = X--O--R}; \draw[->] (\ang+6:0.7*\R) arc (\ang:\ang+50:0.4*\R) node[above,scale=0.9] {$\omega$}; \end{tikzpicture} % COMPLEX PHASOR \begin{tikzpicture} \def\R{2.4} \def\ang{40} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (X) at (1.4*\xmax,0); \coordinate (Y) at (0,1.3*\ymax); \coordinate (R) at (\ang:\R); \coordinate (Rx) at ({\R*cos(\ang)},0); % AXIS \draw[->,thick] (-0.3*\xmax,0) -- (X) node[right=-1] {$\Re[Z]$}; \draw[->,thick] (0,-0.3*\ymax) -- (Y) node[left] {$\Im[Z]$}; % PHASOR \draw[dashed] (Rx) -- (R); \draw[vector,Rcol] (O) -- (R) node[left=16,above right=-2] {$Z = \abs{Z} e^{i(\omega t - \phi)}$}; %\draw[vector,Rcol] (O) -- (R) node[above right=-2,scale=0.8] % {$\begin{aligned} % Z &= \abs{Z} e^{i(\omega t + \phi)} \\ % &= \abs{Z} \cos(\omega t + \phi) + \abs{Z} \sin(\omega t + \phi) % \end{aligned}$}; \node[Rcol!80!black,above=2,below right=1,scale=0.9] at (O) {$\abs{Z} \cos(\omega t - \phi)$}; \draw pic[-sm,"$\omega t - \phi$"{scale=0.9,below=-4},draw=black,angle radius=15,angle eccentricity=2.1] {angle = X--O--R}; \draw[->] (\ang+6:0.7*\R) arc (\ang:\ang+50:0.4*\R) node[above,scale=0.9] {$\omega$}; \end{tikzpicture} % PHASOR LCR circuit \begin{tikzpicture} \def\L{1.7} \def\R{1.6} \def\C{1.4} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (X) at (\xmax,0); \coordinate (Y) at (0,\ymax); \coordinate (C) at (\ang-90:\C); \coordinate (R) at (\ang:\R); \coordinate (L) at (\ang+90:\L); % AXIS \draw[->,thick] (0,-\ymax) -- (Y) node[left] {$y$}; \draw[->,thick] (-\xmin,0) -- (X) node[below] {$x$}; % PHASORS \rightAngle{R}{O}{C}{0.20*\R} \rightAngle{L}{O}{R}{0.25*\R} \draw[vector,Rcol] (O) -- (R) node[above right=-3] {$\VR$}; \draw[vector,Lcol] (O) -- (L) node[above left=-3] {$\VL$}; \draw[vector,Ccol] (O) -- (C) node[below right=-2] {$\VC$}; \draw[->] (\ang+6:0.7*\R) arc (\ang:\ang+50:0.4*\R) node[above,scale=0.9] {$\omega$}; \draw[->] (\ang+96:0.7*\R) arc (\ang+90:\ang+140:0.4*\R) node[left,scale=0.9] {$\omega$}; \draw[->] (\ang-84:0.7*\L) arc (\ang-90:\ang-40:0.4*\L) node[right,scale=0.9] {$\omega$}; \draw pic[-sm,"$\omega t$"{scale=0.9},draw=black,angle radius=16,angle eccentricity=1.5] {angle = X--O--R}; \end{tikzpicture} % PHASOR LCR series circuit \begin{tikzpicture} \def\L{1.8} \def\R{1.7} \def\C{1.2} \def\Z{sqrt(\R^2+(\L-\C)^2)} \def\del{acos(\R/\Z)} %180/pi* \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (X) at (\xmax,0); \coordinate (Y) at (0,\ymax); \coordinate (C) at (\ang-90:\C); \coordinate (R) at (\ang:\R); \coordinate (L) at (\ang+90:\L); \coordinate (E) at ({\ang+\del}:{\Z}); % AXIS \draw[->,thick] (0,-\ymax) -- (Y) node[left] {$y$}; \draw[->,thick] (-\xmin,0) -- (X) node[below] {$x$}; % PHASORS \rightAngle{R}{O}{C}{0.20*\R} \rightAngle{L}{O}{R}{0.25*\R} \draw[vector,Lcol] (R) -- (E) node[below=3,right=2,scale=0.9] {$\VC + \VL$}; \draw[vector,Rcol] (O) -- (R) node[left=3,below right=-1] {$\VR$}; \draw[vector,Lcol] (O) -- (L) node[above left=-3] {$\VL$}; \draw[vector,Ccol] (O) -- (C) node[below right=-2] {$\VC$}; \draw[vector,Icol] (O) -- (E) node[above left=-3] {$\vb*{\EMF}$}; %\draw pic[draw=white,line width=0.6,angle radius=14,angle eccentricity=1.45] {angle = X--O--E}; \draw pic[-sm,"$\omega t$"{scale=0.9,below=-3},draw=black,angle radius=14,angle eccentricity=1.55] {angle = X--O--E}; \draw pic[-sm,"$\omega t - \phi$"{scale=0.9,below=-1},draw=black,angle radius=29,angle eccentricity=1.55] {angle = X--O--R}; \draw pic[sm-,"$\phi$"{scale=0.9},draw=black,angle radius=24,angle eccentricity=1.25] {angle = R--O--E}; \end{tikzpicture} % PHASOR LCR parallel circuit current \begin{tikzpicture} \def\L{1.2} \def\R{1.7} \def\C{1.8} \def\Z{sqrt(\R^2+(\L-\C)^2)} \def\del{acos(\R/\Z)} %180/pi* \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (X) at (\xmax,0); \coordinate (Y) at (0,\ymax); \coordinate (C) at (\ang+90:\C); \coordinate (R) at (\ang:\R); \coordinate (L) at (\ang-90:\L); \coordinate (E) at ({\ang+\del}:{\Z}); % AXIS \draw[->,thick] (0,-\ymax) -- (Y) node[left] {$y$}; \draw[->,thick] (-\xmin,0) -- (X) node[below] {$x$}; % PHASORS \rightAngle{C}{O}{R}{0.25*\R} \rightAngle{R}{O}{L}{0.22*\R} \draw[vector,Lcol] (R) -- (E) node[below=3,right=4,scale=0.9] {$\IC + \IL$}; \draw[vector,Rcol] (O) -- (R) node[left=3,below right=-1] {$\IR$}; \draw[vector,Lcol] (O) -- (L) node[below right=-2] {$\IL$}; \draw[vector,Ccol] (O) -- (C) node[above left=-3] {$\IC$}; \draw[vector,Icol] (O) -- (E) node[above left=-3] {$\vb{I}$}; \draw pic[-sm,"$\omega t$"{scale=0.9,below=-3},draw=black,angle radius=14,angle eccentricity=1.55] {angle = X--O--E}; \draw pic[-sm,"$\omega t - \phi$"{scale=0.9,below=-1},draw=black,angle radius=29,angle eccentricity=1.55] {angle = X--O--R}; \draw pic[sm-,"$\phi$"{scale=0.9},draw=black,angle radius=24,angle eccentricity=1.25] {angle = R--O--E}; \end{tikzpicture} % PHASOR LCR triangle \begin{tikzpicture} \def\ang{20} \def\L{1.2} \def\R{2.0} \def\C{2.0} \def\Z{sqrt(\R^2+(\L-\C)^2)} \def\del{acos(\R/\Z)} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (X) at (\xmax,0); \coordinate (Y) at (0,\ymax); \coordinate (R) at (\ang:\R); \coordinate (Z) at ({\ang+\del}:{\Z}); % PHASORS \draw[vector,Lcol] (R) -- (Z) node[midway,right=1,scale=0.9] {$\vb{X}_C + \vb{X}_L$}; \draw[vector,Rcol] (O) -- (R) node[left=3,below right=-1] {$R$}; \draw[vector,Icol] (O) -- (Z) node[above left=-2] {$\vb{Z}$}; \draw pic[-sm,"$\phi$"{scale=0.9},draw=black,angle radius=26,angle eccentricity=1.25] {angle = R--O--Z}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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