Unofficial logo of CMS to be used for creative and fun variations only! Please do NOT use for official publications! You can find official CMS logos here.
Note that to run this code, you need to install the classico font (which is the LaTeX-equivalent for Optima). Alternatively, you can include *.ttc font files and compile with XeLaTeX. A zip file with a full example that works on Overleaf is provided at the bottom of this post.

Edit and compile if you like:
% !TEX TS-program = xelatex% Author: Izaak Neutelings (May 2023)% Description:% Unofficial logo of CMS for vector-quality,% to be used for creative and fun variations only% Do NOT use for official publications!% Instructions:% You may need to install some fonts to compile this document.% - Optima font for the "CMS" label (LaTeX equivalent is "Classico"% - Helvetica for the "extra" text% - Palatino for CMS TDR style% Below are instructions to get this working with either pdfLaTeX or XeLaTeX% Sources:%\documentclass[border=0.5pt,tikz]{standalone}\usepackage{xcolor}\usetikzlibrary{positioning}% CMS FONTS\usepackage{iftex} % for \ifpdftex\ifpdftex % if compiled with pdfLaTeX% Instructions for installation on macOS (Tex Live):% 1) Install Classico (equivalent of Optima):% curl --remote-name sudo texlua install-getnonfreefonts% sudo getnonfreefonts --sys classico% 2) Install Helvetica if needed (should already be included in TeX Live)\message{^^JCompiling with pdfLaTeX}\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\usepackage{classico} % URW Classico ~ Optima for "CMS" label\usepackage{helvet} % Helvetica for CMS "extra" (sans-serif) text\usepackage{palatino} % Palatino for CMS TDR style for text%\usepackage{mathpazo} % Palatino for CMS TDR style for math\newcommand*{\optima}{\classico}\newcommand*{\helvet}{\fontfamily{phv}\selectfont}\newcommand*{\palat}{\fontfamily{ppl}\selectfont}
Click to download: CMS_logo.tex • • CMS_logo.pdf
Open in Overleaf with fonts included (change the compiler to XeLaTeX):